04 July 2008

Conversation with a Shaman

Lake of Khuvsgul, the cradle of shamanism in Mongolia...
An uncertain date
An uncertain time
Some information might be lost in translation...

We enter the ger and direct ourselves to the west side, the shaman is on the right and there's a few people around her. She smiles, i smile and think "what am I doing here?" I've been given Mongolian tea, we wait and nothing happens, she's taking with the people around here. We wait and I start getting a bit nervous...
Suddenly she asks "what do you want to know?",
I go blank... "I don't know", I say, "I don't have a particular question..."
She then looks through me, those little slanting eyes undress me (it feels that way at least). And she says something along the lines:

You had a boyfriend but another one is coming, you will meet him in the year of the rabbit (2011). You will only have one child, a boy.
Hmmmmmmm I guess I'll have to adopt the 3 other children then! My cynicism reaches the highest when i get nervous.
I do still have to ask, what do you mean I had A boyfriend?, i had a few not many but more than one...
"It is true but you only had one that really counted"
"You lost him, but next time you'll be clever you will choose right..."

To try to recover composture I ask "what about my professional life?"
"You will go south" "you do a good work, charity"
Again, cynicism, "I guess i don't need to unpack my bags then!"

To wrap it up she says
"Your life in general is good, you will have a good life... But you need to be careful, to take care of it"

She goes around the other 3 friends and then excuses herself because she wont be able to go into a trance as she's been travelling all day, but her disciple will... The teenager girl who serve us the tea start getting prepared... some incense is burned, she gets dressed, and takes the sort of massive tambourine and start chanting with the head inside it. A guy is behind her ready to catch her. After a few minutes she asks (the shaman has to interpret to our translator as the girl is mumbling) for the two people of the year of the sheep to come in front of her. How did she knew???? We kneel down and she starts dancing and hitting the tambourine above us.... she says to me "you have problems with your legs (it's true my knees are screwed) you need to respect the mountain and the rivers, you have to give them offerings...." She keeps on going and call the 2 people born in the year of the rat (i think)... does the same and after a while she collapses....

We are given some incense that we have to burn in our home, to clean up the negative vibes...

I'm baffled, i really am!

NB: I never got to express my cynicism out loud... It was all happening between me, myself and I!

1 comment:

van den abeele said...

lo lei....
para tus rodillas..acabo de discubrir que el cloruro de magnesium ayuda muchas molestias "incurables "