18 May 2008

My new flat!

Although it's been 2 month since I moved, I thought it was about time I put some photos of my new cosy mini flat... For Mongolia is a very modern one... i have to say I've been very lucky since i got here... nothing is falling apart, is clean and I even have a little balcony... Little problem, but not really related to the flat... is the hot water... it's quite random, and I've learned not to take it for granted... Also the stairs are absolutely disgusting... During the colder days I used to find families sleeping on my doorstep, that's fine with me, but the problem is they sort made the 2nd floor their toilet (i live on the 3rd). Now that is warmer I haven't seen anyone (also maybe related to fact that I've stopped the hardcore partying so coming home earlier) but the 2nd floor still the toilet... Basically is just a question of holding your breath when going up!

Cela fait plus de 2 mois que j'ai amenage dans ce tout petit et super mignon studio en plein centre de la ville... Je me suis dis qu'il etait bien temps de mettre des photos! Pour la Mongolie c'est un apart relativement rare, car parquet a terre et des murs blancs... il est propre et tout marche, bon a part 2 prises qui sont a moitie sorties du mur! J'ai eu de la chance depuis que je suis arrivee et j'en suis consciente... Les seules stout et qui n'on rien a avoir avec l'apart c'est le manque d'eau chade un jour sur deux... en tout cas j'ai apris a ne pas compter dessus... Et bon la cage d'escalier qui sert de toilette pour les sans abris... il suffit de ne pas respirer pendant la monte et le tour est jouee!

So, as you can see in the photos is a studio on a L shape, kitchen on one side, room on the other, in this photo you can see the arch that leads to the entry where the door to the bathroom is.

Voici les photos, l'apart est en L dans un coin la cuisine dans l'autre la chambre/salon... j'ai meme un ptt balcon!

Here, the room bit.
And here the kitchen side.

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