26 March 2008

Apres une longue pause!

Here we go again a whole bunch of posts all together!
Also I've uploaded more photos on facebook and a few videos on youtube!
Please note, that i've manage to rotate the photos! To be honest I used and other computer, thus the issue: incompability of my camera and my mac!

Nous revoilà! un tas des "posts" ensemble!
J'ai aussi mis pas mal de photos sur facebook et quelques vidéos sur youtube!
amusez vous bien!
Et veuillez s'il vous plait bien remarquer que j'ai reussit a tourner les photos! la verite j'ai utilise un autre ordinateur, le probleme vient donc de l'incompabilite de mon appareil photo et mon mac!

James Bond Gala and after party!

Le 22 mars fut une soiree mouvementee! Plusieurs soirees, il a fallut faire sauterelle, un peu par ci un peu par la!
Première, la soiree gala, thème James bond. Avec l'elite de UB, une soiree de charite, avec des ventes aux encheres, des tombolas et bien d'autres.
Deuxieme, la derniere soiree du groupe qui joue ds un des bar-boite ou on va de tps a autres. Ma robe de gala faisait un peu trop!
du tout bon!

America latina presente!
(Peru, Colombia, Vzla y Cuba)

Apres maintes heures avec des talons on fume accroupi!
et les mecs suivent!

Et Strings pour finir la soiree en beaute!

New Apart!

Un p'tit tout court sur ma nouvelle situation immobilière!
J'ai enfin déménagée! me voila dans un mini studio, très cosy, avec tout ce qu'il faut.
Je dois encore faire la peinture donc les photos devrons attendre!

International Women's Day (08.03.08)

Women's day is big here. If on a working day it becomes a holiday. Women are given flowers, taken out for diner. The whole city was a jolly mess, arduous to find a place to eat or even have a drink, everything was booked. The day before, with my colleagues (all women) we found a place (after several) to eat. It was a special day! no hierarchy, just 6 women enjoying themselves, the mongolian way: some food a lot of drinks and to finish the night karaoke
On women's day (8th March) a night club (Oasis) organised a Miss Oasis contest. Dont ask me why or how but i ended up participating. The idea was to dance and the public will select the winer.
Self-counscious as hell I went to the dance floor and shaked my buttocks. Overall it ended up being a fun experience, even though my shake couldn't compete with the others! I came 2d, the price was 100 $, missed that!
I stole this photos from a friend, thanks Chris (even if you may not know yet i've stole them!)
The 3 whitty girls shaking their buttocks..


Twice a year the organisation i came with holds a conference where all the volunteers in the country make it to UB. This one in particular was on education the programme area my project belongs. Try to resettle common objectives through participatory exercises, but also a good excuse to get together and catch up. We went to nukht, a sort of resort 45min away from the city. Where the air is pure and a little walk in between presentations cleaned up our lungs and exercises our tongues!

Leap day

29th of Feb, leap day, a day where everything is allowed. The theme of the party was "come as you aren't" (the opposite of your usual self) Maybe another excuse for a party, however a good one. Here a glimpse of the party!

Le 29 Feb, arrive tout les 4 ans, un jour ou tout est permis! Le theme de la soiree etait "venez comme ce que vous n'etes pas"
Peut-etre encore une excuse pour une fete, mais elle fut bien reussit!
Getting ready girls vs boys

Dan as whatever you want him to be! (beck, bowie...)

The girls as hippie, frenchie and cowbowie!

S & S (as Sarah & Sophie, but also Sporty & Slutty)

We ended up at "the brilliant" hmmm...

Valentine's Party

It's been a while since the last party post, so here we go!
I even started thinking about quitting my job and start an event org.
The excuse this time "Valentines day" What was supposed to be an "I hate Valentine's day" turned out to be an "I love Valentine" The decoration gave me away (well, well if you know me enough you'll know my true feeling about that date) So so, we organise games and put almost 50 people in the room. Some pointed out I didn't dance the night away as usual, probably coz i was to busy writing messages on the board, giving free hugs or trying to figure out who i was (Walt Whitman - Thanks Gecca!)It was a blast! I'll find an other excuse soon enough to organise an other one!

Cela fait un ptt baille qu'il n'y pas eu de postes "fête"
donc voila! L'excuse cette fois fut St Valentin! Je songe a quitter mon boulot et commencer une compagnie d'evenment. On a organisé des jeu, mis 50 personnes ds l'apart. Quelqu'un a soulignée le fait que je n'ai pas danse toute la nuit comme a mon habitude, peut-être bien car j'étais trop occupée a écrire des messages, donner des free hugs ou essayer de savoir qui j'étais (Walt Whitman, merci Gecca!)
Bref ce fut une toute bonne soirée, surtout qu'elle a fit au pitta place!
Je trouverais bientôt une autre excuse!

La deco! des coeurs par tout!

The message board, a massive success!

Socialising, and the free hug activity! Well basicaly me going around with a board asking for hugs!

All kind of hugs were allowed!

25 March 2008

Tsagaan Sar and the North Gobi

I dont know where to start, if I should explain Tsaagan sar or the Gobi trip.
Very briefly. Tsaagan sar, which literally means "white moon" is the lunar new year. This with Nadaan in the sumer is the main festivals in Mongolia.
In a way is the equivalent of Xmas and new year together. Lamas decide of the day the new year will start (very complicated somehow, as some days of the week are not good to start things). Life stops during those days. Is the moment to visit/greet family and eventually give presents. During those visits you are supposed to eat and drink like 10. To it loads of traditions intricate. Such as the way you greet people: arms underneath if you are younger while sniffing one another.
Food and vodka flood and the "no thanks" is not considered as an answer! Do you remember the "buuz" I showed you at the beginning? That's part of the traditional food, and i can assure that after 10 mouton tails you dont feel al that great!

So with the idea of avowing these as well as to escape from a dead city (i could actually cross the street without having an adrenaline shot), with some friends we decided to get out and do some visits. The final vote went to the Gobi (pronounced Govi in mongolian). Is common belief that you need to travel far to see the sand dunes so well known, but North Govi a few hours away (6 hours, all is relative huh?) has an amasing landscape. I'm not gonna spread the beauty of this place, you'll get a glimpse through the photos. however, I just need to point out (probably once again) the immensity of this land. It does take my breath away every-time, infinite and so stunning. Makes you realise how small you are, I know is a big cliché, but there's a reason why cliché exist.
The idea of the trip was to live it like nomadic. We had a driver (the best!) a guide and a russian van (my next property i reckon!) Off we went, we had food and were counting on mongolian hospitality for the accommodation (the reputation is based on true fact "yes come in, you can spend the night in our ger, it's gonna be 11 of us but it's ok!)
We drove for hours in the middle of nowhere, stopped when we felt like it, the best picnics views ever. All that with a lot of humor and a few giggles (check youtube: sophievda79)
Overall, amasing few days!

Sur la route nous avons croisee un groupe de gazelles. Impressionant!

Enfin arrives au dunes de sable et neige! Le groupe, Richard, Chris, Ruth Senior, Ruth junior et Enkhe (la guide)

Le sable etait gelee, des que l'ont marchais dessus une sorte de neige glace apparaissait!
Ce qui nous a rendu la tache (grimper la dune) presque impossible!

Enfin en haut

Nous avons du change de trajectoire pour y arriver!

Je vais me repeter souvent, mais le paysage etait a coupe le soufle!

La montagne d'argent

La legende veut que ce lac se soit forme par le gaspillage de lait de jumente d'une femme ...
Le vent etait tellement fort qu'il nous faisait glisser sans le moindre effort de notre part! on a meme fait une course...

Et voila les ofrandes de Tsaagan sar, oui c'est une tete de mouton! Ds la photo de groupe l'espece de gateau change de taille en dependant l'age de la tete de famille. Plus d'annee plus de couches, les trucs blancs audessus sont sensee etre mangeable, et ils sont tous a base de beurre ranse! un vrai regale! (c'est de l'ironie au cas ou!)

La famille avec laquelle nous sommes restes le premier soir, en plus du guide et chauffeur. En fait, le pere vit la pendant l'hiver avec se 2 fils, car il garde le camp des touristes. Et sa femme et autres enfant vivent dans un autre endroit.

Le paysage etait a tomber par terre et le soir je n'ai jamais vu autant d'etoiles! NB: Le chien de garde, aller au ptt coin (ou voir les chevaux comme ils disent ici) etait un traumatise pour ma pauvre personne. Ce chien est enormeueueue! Bon j'ai survecue, alors on va pas s'etaler!

Le lendemain nous avons decide de grimper et aller voir la grotte qui se trouvais au somet. Le froid nous brulant les poumons nous sommes arrives!

A l'entree de la grotte! Nous avonc crut comprendre qu'on pouvait ressortir de l'autre cote de la montagne, mais ce fut un malentendu. Apres avoir galeree a mort pour y rentrer il a fallut grimper pour y resortir! Comme quoi ca aide de parler la langue hein? Ca nous a fait bien rire en tout cas! bon c'etait ca ou pleurer, rester dedans et mourir gelees!

In this country it's so cold during winter that the animals need coats!
We stopped at this farm as we needed directions on the best way to go, to avoid getting stucked on the snow!
This lovely guy helped!

Il fait tellement froid que meme les vaches ont des vestes!
On s'est arrete la car on avait besoin des conseils, sur quel route (c'est un grand mot) prendre pour ne pas rester coincee ds la neige!
Ce gentil monsieur nous a aide

Road signs! very impressive when is nothing around!
From there we found 3 gers and spend the night with them (3 families), loads of kids around playing with the camera, eating and drinking. Trying to communicate.

Some buuz!?

Candel light, no electricity!
The proud grandma!

Pas d'electricite donc ce fut une soiree au chandelles
et la tres fiere grand-mere!

La famille au complet!

Vodka, food that's what you do as a tourist when hanging out in the ger!

I tried to make them turn their hands, explaining with gestures but no success!

Arghhhh! j'avais reussit a tourner quelques unes pourquoi pas celle-ci! je l'adore. Le lendemain matin on s'est reveillee et la dame a fait rentrer la chevre au moment du ptt-dej! j'adore!

Le groupe et la vue! A couper le souffle je vous le dis!
The group and the view! Breath taking!

In the midle of nowhere a massive rock formation, which once held a monastery (sadly distroyed by the Russians) and transformed into a sort of resort. Now completely abandoned, although still a sacred place and people come from milles away.

Au milieu du desert entre un masse des rochers se trouvait un monastere que les Russes transformat en un espece de resort. Aujourd'hui il est completement a l'abandon. Bien qu'il soit toujours considere comme un endroit sacree.

Ca reste un endroit saint, des gens viennent s'y recueillir et poser les soies blues dont le nom m'echappe pdt que je tape ceci!

You can see the monastery in between the rock formation.
Le monastere est entre les rochers.

As it happens after driving for hours you come across a fantom town!

C'est assez normal de retrouver des villages fantomes au milieu de nulle part!

When driving in the middle of nowhere i asked to stop to take a few shot of the camels... The driver not only stopped but also went and grabbed one! He then wanted us to ride it! I'm a wimp!

On roulait au mileu de nulle part, j'ai demandee a que l'on s'arret pour pouvoir prendre des photos des chameaux, meais le gars non seulement c'est arrete mais il a ete en chercher un et m'a demandee de m'assoir dessus. Chose que je n'ai pas fait! c'etait un chameau sauvage! J'aurai pt-e du!