26 March 2008

Leap day

29th of Feb, leap day, a day where everything is allowed. The theme of the party was "come as you aren't" (the opposite of your usual self) Maybe another excuse for a party, however a good one. Here a glimpse of the party!

Le 29 Feb, arrive tout les 4 ans, un jour ou tout est permis! Le theme de la soiree etait "venez comme ce que vous n'etes pas"
Peut-etre encore une excuse pour une fete, mais elle fut bien reussit!
Getting ready girls vs boys

Dan as whatever you want him to be! (beck, bowie...)

The girls as hippie, frenchie and cowbowie!

S & S (as Sarah & Sophie, but also Sporty & Slutty)

We ended up at "the brilliant" hmmm...

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