12 April 2009


Apologies! I have loads of photos and stories to upload, I will eventually do it sometime... soon enough I hope....

Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about the blog... I was in China for some holidays and in Europe for a little while, unfortunately my grandmother passed away, I'm sure she is now drinking champagne and catching up with my grandad...

I wanted to start today but right now I'm suffering for major jet lag issues, plus the fact that I was proved once again that I am not 20 anymore and partying the night before and cycling to the countryside does have some consequences... although it leaves "memorable memories"

Soon! I promise!


Ian said...

I love your photos. They bring back memories.

Anonymous said...

Alleiii! mets ce blog à jour un peu... :-D

tu déchiiires sur ton VTT (j'viens de voir dans album sur facebook) et justement, j'viens de mettre une pics de moi, hier, sur mon vélooo!

bon, à bientôt sur skype

bises de moi, benj et t'as un p'tit coup de pied de ton p'tit coco qui remue comme un dingue :-P
