20 August 2008

Europe here I come!

I still have to write about my last trip to western Mongolia, and above all the total eclipse... However I needed to share the good news! I'm sorted for my "European tour"! Took me a while to figure out flight trains and stuff, lost some hair on the process, have at least 3 sheets of paper full of different info and prices, and i ended up having the end of the pen for dinner!
But it all worked out pretty well!
Can't wait!

Je dois encore ecrire sur mon voyage a l'ouest de la Mongolie et surtout l'eclipse totale.... Mais je devais absolument partager ca! C'est fait mon tour en Europe est arrange, j'ai perdu des cheveux, j'ai 50mil feuilles autour de moi remplis d'info et differents prix, j'ai bouffe la moitie de mon bic, mais ca y est!
Tout est bien qui finit bien!
Que j'ai hate!

25.09 UB - Bruxelles 08h20 - 18h55
29.09 Bruxelles - Paris 15h13 - 16h35
07.10 Paris - Bruxelles 15h25 - 16h47
14.10 Bruxelles - London 11h59 - 13h03
17.10 London - Dublin 09h35 - 10h50
19.10 Dublin - London 12h55 - 14h10
19.10 London - Bruxelles 19h34 - 22h33
23.10 Bruxelles - UB 14h00 - 05h45

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